Firebase Tutorial: Create Firebase App — iOS | Swift
Before starting this tutorial, I’ll consider you are coming from the scratch and we will learn to create an app on Firebase, configuration and connect your project with firebase. Let’s begin :)
Some important points we will learn in today:
- Creating firebase app.
- Add/Configure firebase app in XCode Project.
Create a Firebase app

Copy bundle identifier which you will find in XCode, Project > General

Paste your bundle Identifier in field of Apple Bundle ID

Download GoogleService-Info.plist file and add this file in your XCode project

Add/Configure firebase app in XCode Project
Now we need to install Firebase pods in project.
Open Terminal and go to your project directory “cd proejctpath”
- Run command in terminal “pod init”
- Find pod file in your project directory and open it
- Add pod ‘firebase’ podfile
pod 'firebase'
Go to project directory in Terminal and run ‘pod install’
Now we’re all set, Open project.xcworkspace and go to AppDelegate.swift and add these lines of code.

And now click on continue to console

That’s all we had to do create and initialize firebase in XCode Project.
Follow me and stay connected to learn more about firebase.
Thank You :)